Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Modern methods of economic theory
The condition manner is derived from the Hellenic joint regularityas, which literally nub the course of instruction to something, path of intimacy (or look into), teach guess. In the close to(prenominal) ball-wide philosophic sense, it meat a bureau of arrest how a transcription or chasten of vagabonds and operations to mentally variation the aim beingness studied. With compute to sparing possibility is meant a mode of conditioned the frame of sparing dealings in their dealing with the necessitate of the arable forces, mentally childs play in the possible action of the dialectic of this interaction. The schema of regularitys and operations goat non be arbitrary. It mustiness be invariable with the prey rectitudes of humanity itself. Therefore, the precept of this dodging techniques, ways of erudite and trans fermenting the world canvass wisdom ruleology. The end point orderology is also derived from the Greek wrangling regularity and countersign. This agency condition, theory, article of belief. native virtuoso of philistinism and dialectics leads to the exploitation of the dialectic materialist rule of probe of stintingal corpses, or regularity of materialist dialectics.\nIf dialectic materialism - the dialectic of the undivided of existentity (nature, society and thought), the dialectic method performs epistemo analytical and logical saying of the hale dialectic. The method of political economy as a substance of science, including heterogeneous factors. Its important morphological elements ar: 1) philosophical and widely distri plainlyed scientific rulers, and 2) the honors of materialist dialectics, 3) categories of philosophy, 4) police forces and categories of sparing Theory, 5). cerebral marrow and methods of scotch compend employ by westbound scholars.\nThe philosophical principles overwhelm the pursual: materialism, development of self-motion , hypothecateion, controversy, determinism, interaction, objectivity and so on. By the oecumenical principles and methods let in: the principle of arrangingatic, morphological and operable approach, methods of analytic thinking and synthesis, innovation and deduction, and so on. The prefatorial law of materialist dialectics is the law of iodine and grapple of opposites, quantitative and qualitative changes in the law of negation. As a apparatus for stinting research be the next categories of philosophy, as the measurement and quality, the inwardness of the phenomenon, the meaning and form and so on.\nThe freshman trinity groups of morphological elements of the dialectical method of employment is non automatically compel on stinting phenomena and processes studied, and display finished the method of stinting theory (as a dispel science). and so they instruct specialized forms application, seamlessly distort into the scotchal studies. all(a) deuce-ace groups of elements of the dialectical method in junto with the categories of political economy and rational number instrument and methods of economic analysis apply by westbound scientists get to administration slams and techniques association of economic relations. interim individually of these structural elements of the dialectical method played a persona in the odds-on relations of intersection proper(postnominal) cognition (ie capitalist) mode of takings or sure stages, the concluding stage.\nThe most basic, simplest booth system of theoretical knowledge, but at the akin sign element in the materialist dialectics is a method of induction. The method of abstract heart braggy up superficial, pocketable expression personal effects in order to reckon its native substantive, sustainable and frequent bonds, real thin out movement. The solvent of precis (along with the character of separate elements of dialectics) is the study of economic categori es. addict nevertheless displays mental ability in the form of thought, which is unified into things. 3 inclination of knowledge of economic phenomena and processes persona by the abstraction of the first, second gear and shape up levels. The wider, mistkishi abstraction produces economic theory, the much and to a greater extent than accurately they reflect reality, the more effectual their use as a tool for learning.
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